Monday, May 31, 2010

Paper Cranes!!!

First, you have to know these are awesome...

What do you think this is?

These are of course: Paper Cranes (notice the name of the post)

You can make them look cool in pictures

If you have motivation, keep reading...

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It's folding time!!!
Grab a square.

Step one:

fold diagonally both ways

Step two:

Do the same, except in half un-diagonally

Step three:

Attempt to push the sides in (sounds confusing ): )
And press on it to make it stay

Step four:

rotate the point to the top and fold the outsides in like this:

After that, unfold all that you just did and lift up the bottom.
fold in the left and right sides.
Do it on the flipside, too

Step five:

Fold the sides in again like this (both sides)

and fold down the top


Step six:

fold the flap (wings) over, making them flat and revealing this:

Step seven:

Fold it up, and fold back to the wings. Try and pull your new tail out a little.

Step eight:

now do the same thing to the other side, and fold down the very top just a little. This is the head.

Step nine:

Once again, fold back to the wings and pull the head out slightly.

Step ten:

Pull on the wings (gently (: ) and out to the sides...

And Voila!

You gotta crane (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: !!!!!

Check back soon!

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